10 Best Black & White Horror Movies, Ranked | ScreenRant

For many modern audiences, the minute they see that a film is black and white, they turn away. Where this stigma against older or black-and-white films comes from is a mystery because many of these films are as good if not far better than many contemporary ones. RELATED:  10 Horror Movies For Comic Book Nerds, Ranked According To IMDb One of the best genre examples of this would be the contrast between black-and-white and color horror films. There is something aesthetically more unnerving when a horror film utilizes black and white. Looking over the history of the genre, here are ten examples of fantastic black-and-white horror films. Watch Movies For Free Here 10 Nosferatu (1922) F. W. Murnau was a legend when it came to silent filmmaking. His impact both on the medium, as well as the German Expressionist movement, can't be understated. Without a doubt, though, Murnau's most iconic and beloved film was his take on Bram Stoker's classic vampire:  Nosferatu . German a

Why Jane Foster Is The Greatest Thor Ever | Screen Rant

With the much-anticipated arrival of Thor: Love and Thunder on the horizon, many are looking to the possibilities around what Jane Foster's Thor could bring to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Within the comics, Jane Foster has proven time and time again that she is one of the greatest forces to be reckoned with in the Thor canon, especially through her resilience and control.

Jane Foster is a superstar. She's worn a number of different hats in the Marvel Comics universe - as a star physician and most recently as a Valkyrie, but being Thor is one of the roles she tackled best. Why? A few reasons come to mind.

Related: Valkyrie is Uniting Marvel's Medics To Save [SPOILER]

First of all, Jane Foster has the spirit of a true hero in the sense that she always puts others before herself for the sake of the greater good. This is most evident when she still becomes Thor despite battling cancer. In Mighty Thor #704, Jane's husband and her son die in a tragic car accident. Soon after, in Thor: God of Thunder #12, Jane herself is diagnosed with cancer. With Jane is still battling cancer, Thor loses the ability to wield Mjolnir. Jane immediately rises to the need for a new Thor, is able to wield Mjolnir herself, and then defeats Malekith the Accursed, Dario Agger, and the Absorbing Man. She continues to act as the new Thor, even though the hammer's magical abilities purge toxins from her body, thus ridding her of her chemotherapy and causing her cancer to continue to kill her.

In The Mighty Thor #703-#706, Doctor Strange confirms that Jane's cancer has become so severe that transforming into Thor even one more time will kill her. She still transforms to stop Mangog from attacking Asgard, and thus she dies a true hero's death. It's that kind of nobility that makes Jane Foster the best Thor ever. She willingly sacrificed her life for the greater good.

Not only is Jane a selfless warrior who rises even when she is at her weakest, but she's also extremely powerful. On top of matching Thor Odinson's powers of super strength, speed, stamina/durability, flight, and lightning control, Jane has the most control over Mjolnir of any previous Thor. In Thor vol. 4 #5, it is shown that Jane is able to change the trajectory and velocity of the hammer mid-throw and that she can also spin it around her enemies in order to trap them. Her unique abilities to control the hammer make her standout.

Jane Foster is undeniably a powerhouse within the Thor canon. She's a doctor who becomes Thor and then a Valkyrie, all while dealing with the loss of her loved ones and battling cancer. Still, she sacrifices all that she can muster for the sake of others and brings a new way of wielding Mjolnir to the role of Thor. She's resilient, strong, and she's exactly what an Asgardian hero strives to be. Jane Foster is the greatest Thor ever.

Next: Female Thor Explained: How Jane Foster Became Worthy

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